Как свершилось, как... - пер. А. Блока

How was it done, how had it happened?
I was so poor, weak and small.
But some Grand things to me opened
Before the worth time I was  able
It to percive, the High to learn.

The despicable slave, who all the treasures,
Given to him, could not to store,
I was the tzar and sudden guardian.
A lot of monsters downfell
On me in flock.

I had tamed them with the charms of flattery,
Those monsters, who was first to come.
But nobody could them count!
Bristled with revenge aim,
Others downed.
On leaving the guards, tonight I went
Into the foe's camp to chase.
Night smoked as a censer much.
And dazzling eyes had carried
Me into the haze.

The fallen angel, I was met there
As a young god, as a real beauty
From skies, and was there marked
By tzarine their fast,
I enterered her palace,

That palace, which will turn to ashes
On the ground, there on the earth.
But the Avenger terrible was vigilant:
His Face was light with anger
At that hour on rocks.

The dawn had glared into my eyes,
The poor day was born to life.
Only the thrembling of the wings
Bursted out, into skies. Someone
As a shadow flied up.
There was the lanquor long.
I thought: there would not be day, at least.
The passionate bubble, crazy delirium,
And fines, assuarances, oaths
Were reaching my ears.
But, being drived by my melancholy,
The non-living creatures - died.
Suddenly the cruel day, the iron day
Outlined inevitably the circle,
Closed me round.

There were no any end or beginning,
No any outcome - steel and steel only.
And, as the useless barren desert,
Had surrounded me the distance,
Which was liked by me formerly.

I'm not hiding out of you,
Look at me attentively:
I'm standing among the fires,
Burnt by their tongues through
By the hell's flames.

Where are you?
Don't hesitate.
You, as me, not a star are waiting;
Come to me, my dear comrade,
The earth's burden to share,
And my sad labour.

19 december 1913


On leaving the guards, tonight I went
Into the foe's camp to chase.
Night smoked as a censer much.
And dazzling eyes had carried
Me into the haze.

The fallen angel, I was met there
As a young god, as a real beauty
From skies, and was there marked
By tzarine their fast,
I enterered her palace,

That palace, which will turn to ashes
On the ground, there on the earth.
But the Avenger terrible was vigilant:
His Face was light with anger
At that hour on rocks.

Людмила 31   16.11.2012 14:00     Заявить о нарушении
The dawn had glared into my eyes,
The poor day was born to life.
Only the thrembling of the wings
Bursted out, into skies. Someone
As a shadow flied up.

Людмила 31   16.11.2012 14:08   Заявить о нарушении
There was the lanquor long.
I thought: there would not be day, at least.
The passionate bubble, crazy delirium,
And fines, assuarances, oaths
Were reaching my ears.

Людмила 31   16.11.2012 14:15   Заявить о нарушении
But, being drived by my melancholy,
The non-living creatures - died.
Suddenly the cruel day, the iron day
Outlined inevitably the circle,
Closed me round.

There were no any end or beginning,
No any outcome - steel and steel only.
And, as the useless barren desert,
Had surrounded me the distance,
Which was liked by me formerly.

I'm not hiding out of you,
Look at me attentively:
I'm standing among the fires,
Burnt by their tongues through
By the hell's flames.

Where are you?

Людмила 31   16.11.2012 14:30   Заявить о нарушении
Don't hesitate.
You, as me, not a star are waiting;
Come to me, my dear comrade,
The earth's burden to share,
And my sad labour.

19 december 1913

Людмила 31   16.11.2012 14:35   Заявить о нарушении