
“I like a Look of Agony
Because I knoe it’s true”/
(E. Dickinson)

I saw the stars upon my head
In triumphyng skies,
When some force led me to my bed
And I got paraysed.

I lost my mind and all my breath
A merry-go-round;
It was like agony,but death
Was not to call me out.

And I remembered all my gist
What I have been before.
I cried, I prayed in vain through mist
To be returnned to CORE.

There was no time,the tune was playing
In out-of-time etern.
I was a frog in cramping lain
Under voltaic turn.

The ceiling disappeared in stream,
The room wasn’t more a cell.
And chaos looked a perfect dream
In grandma’s fairy-tale.

I saw the God and devil in
My heart—illusive hole,
My body strived unconsciously
To reunite with soul.

Hey you,my lady,come to date,
I ‘m not afraid of thee.
If love we call exstatic state,
Then dying beautious should be.
