Читая сказки...
На сказках каждый был воспитан
Ты и я.
И облик принца был для нас,
Как мечта.
И если был с ним до конца,
То узнал:
Сквозь стену роз прошел он,
Хоть устал.
И если я скажу, что он вернулся
Ты представь, как мир проснулся:
И жизни свет в глазах столь сонных,
И звон кимвала в тишине
Всё было так. И стон любовный
Озарил собою сказки цвет.
И согласись, мой друг, что в наши дни
Любовь – товар,
Очаровали нас, увы,
Дав сказочный отвар…
Оригинал «Jenny Josef. Still reading fairy stories»
If you were bred on fairy tales
As was I
You would know where the prince was going to
And why;
And if you had then also lived in the world
As I have done
You would know that he went past the ten-foot wall of roses
And kept straight on.
And if I told you that somehow he once turned back
And hacked his way through
Would you join in then, and finish the story the way
I want you to;
Saying that the clash of light when she woke was
Cymbals of bliss
And the power of life through that long-waiting silence was
All in the kiss;
And agree, since we lounge in the court of a great castle with a hundred years’ sign
That says: ‘For Sale’
It must be that we are bewitched, and that this is
A fairy tale.
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