The Way

Jesus you are the way, the truth, the life 
As you said you are! 
I wanna recognize that with my mouth
And believe it in my heart

You gave me second chance 
When I saw no way
You gave me total healing
When I had severe pain

Please stay with me in my
Heart and thoughts
I don't wanna leave you
Be my guide, my rose 

Many years ago you've 
Knocked into my life
Since that day 
I have peace without strife

You mean everything to me
You are my Lord
You are my Shepherd
Without you I would be boared

When I see this world without light
Need and sorrow, tragedy and fight
I wanna kneel my knees and say
Jesus you are the truth, the life, the way

To the blind you opened eyes
Dead raised you from the grave
Many people called you life
But pharisees could not control their behave 

There was a woman that lost her son
She cried bitterly because she had the only one 
It happened with the crowd you passed by
And said to her my daughter you don't cry! 

Jesus, you raised her son
Of cause she became glad 
Because for her 
Totally new life began

I know this woman thought 
Jesus you are the life, the truth, the way
Because your touch back her son brought 
And opened heavens gate 

Элеонора, прекрасный стих и по сути, и по мысли! Спасибо!!! С теплом души и радостью общения, Вера.

Вера Копа   25.10.2012 05:52     Заявить о нарушении