If one day you will understand
That somehow неправльно, not true
Live then immediately remembered
Or find the Lord God of the Way
What he товй God and who is he to decide
Only you don't крсестит forced to Buddhism
Not Тренлей or Karmapa E E,
If you're in the blood of the memory of the prophet
Love you for the sake of God, if Christ or
One of the them, I still have one of the great Faith of the language
And you topper замержаешь not from me alone and it's you
Yes it too I'm a hundred generations of the way when not observed
The magic of God E E a Karmapa 17, yeah, he topper
Not a sect and not Satan is not enlightened излой the cat also about you
Gave translation but he hated жизхнь and love
And you're just the Holy, do not compare yourself and him
This is the stupidity of the most о о о о...
You write that you're lonely and scared
My dear boy, be the most valiant,
You have a lot of friends in the blue dump your
A strange guy I saw Yes he sincerely said
I love the Top, Yes, and silly boy he, too, had you now love,
He told me about it back then нарет'reel, yet you liked the Keeper of the Lighthouse,
Jew Jew always love yeah...
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Бесконечна Любовь 15.10.2012 17:24 Заявить о нарушении