The magic mirror of the Karmapa Тренлей

The magic mirror of the Karmapa Тренлей.
I had Yes I've loved people, and did not understand where is the mistake in my equation is not yet close I met with Our Star Genius I don't know on this one but he always представлятеся Your Karmapa Кенно or Ченрезиг Yes beautiful great language... so here it is me enlightened you see Katya angels world is this your gentleman a damn you don't understand that there is a translation, and this pig Yes I am Anton Egorov now about you, and suddenly everything was in its place. And then I'm disappointed meeting Christ, why, Yes, he's a Good but weak to defend him, too, should be but it's not my faith and not mine I'm in another parallel кенно knew I I I ...Yes then came Ченрезиг and me in their warriors he asked, now he personally with me for always as Karmapa Кенно . and a Hangar all the time it was closed when I Samara itself blew up and when the letter took, but there where betrayed Christ and Ререиха Nicholas I took from them the heavenly our dictionary and spat bastards in the face, but not literally as well through the lady at the reception повстренчала, I don't like to мразей look I know reptile skin there after crying... and see but who needs it after a good portion of poison...
The hangar time I closed itself Yes kept it for a very long time yeah why ... so Topper catch it much умее love. And still I often wrote that he's a fool no this is not true just... eccentric. Here the secret is simple I'm not clever and stupidity of all sure Yes, that is a объясненье easy Yes I'm the sea of love and it just
