1. I have all

2. Thoughts are things
3. I'm sorry but first, for all take revenge and Brother and a Friend save and honor of the God who is always in the way and for me замолви word them all отльется I'm not a sheep I'm not a sheep, I brightest Nuclear candle and beyond new too I'm a New God newletter dawn.
4. It is important not only words, more important matters, what if you are not a pop star, and not a cheap poser, and not a poet dreamer. Sergey Мокаленко, you aptly said I not only in the verses live, children...
5. Try to understand.
all in the world I can understand even the last prostitute and BL...d but not Judah and not the murderer and not a coward, and do not radishes, no I do not understand them now fools with verses well I know and fools for life yeah, yeah there are no men at E2 and in Russia with the so tight please send me a decent friend... men boys men of the children of men cats Yes there are and these and a lot more different infantile rabble they fit for only one sex work, Yes, and if you honestly say you normal men, too, alas, do not catch up with камасутра little read with this talent has got to be born, mentality, understand?
6. Win yourself and Victory You have not отнятья don't know how easily it can be said, why do you win over your enemy if Satan in your heart, there is no so don't win, it seems I have all of them отжгла... and than there is not a machine gun and not an idiot репером артором the cattle, I FGM wire infinite love that which God is my приподнес as a password.
7. Harmony is inside of you understand yourself accept yourself forgive yourself love yourself and if you get something and me, beautiful, I... no I don't have to tie sex movies, but I Karmapa Karmapa Кенно... Oh Oh Oh this is also a cinema a fucked...made very aware of it эротичский film loves his Alexey he is not a Saint he is from the people it is a movie about простутку French hot and not a very good joke... but also someone good bus let them learn if they want to work prostitutes Yes this is something...
8. Be grateful, Yes-but to whom? I do not poets do with the verses of the Republic of Uzbekistan. God of course , he was a well, and if you get something me and him and yet here she was, Yes, it is I write about Indian E2
9. Be true , as people and not as a dog you silly чебурахи... and медлитеьные tanks turtle you a fighter hi handed it already you a week here waiting
