
I'll tell you the tale
About boy and female. 
She was very pale,
And her put on the sale. 

She liked wearing lace
She had a cute face. 
Her life was like race
Where she always must ace. 

And she had a boy
Who always enjoy. 
He didn't understand 
Why she was often mad. 

He had an less age
But had a big wage. 
She didn't feel rage
In his golden cage. 

When he gave to her poke,
She believed it was joke. 
He liked to drink a Coke
And eat sappy pork. 

She said him she's lone
In this shining zone. 
But he hung up phone
With very wicked tone. 

She tried to break lock
It was like a rock. 
She wanna be hawk,
But it was a mock.  

He gave to her amuse
But couldn't strike her fuse. 
She always gave refuse
And he was so confused. 

He was rabid like tick,
So he granted to her kick. 
And she had a nick
Which she couldn't lick. 

So then they took cab
And road gave a jab. 
He gave to her dab
But she asked a tab. 

So she was his keel. 
It once what they feel. 
She floats away like an eel. 
He remembers Achilles heel. 

She observes the Lent
Five weeks she lived in tent. 
She didn't have a cent
She was not be pent. 

She found a wig,
She ate a fig. 
She lived in the rig,
She had a little pig. 

One day she felt lack. 
She was without Jack. 
She threw out a pack,
She hid her lace in rack. 

She knew she was fake. 
She plunged into the lake. 
For what she did make?..
She just wanna awake. 
