Fred Astaire
A musician, choreographer, dancer, actor and singer Fred Astaire
Had been unconfident about his talents yet decided to try, to dare.
In Hollywood Astaire was patient, moved step by step, film by film.
By practicing, rehearsing dances, he successfully fulfilled his dream.
Fred came to Hollywood equipped with many talents, skills, abilities.
In childhood he gained accordion, clarinet, piano playing capabilities.
With older sister he had performed their vaudeville routine on stage.
Their mother had noticed both children’s talents at the younger age.
Fred’s passion, drive for novelty along with genius, skill, preparation
Had gotten him in films, brought fame and international attention.
Astaire had synthesized dances and songs with storylines of films.
He had ensured dancers were taped in “full view” during routines.
The type of dance Fred brought to films was a combination, hybrid -
Dynamic, vigorous, enthusiastic, playful, expressive, dramatic, vivid.
Fred integrated ballet, Latin, ballroom, tap with his sophistication,
Blended with wit, music perceptiveness, smooth style, innovation.
His vocal interpretation of songs was simple, lyrical, warm, clear.
Fred touched most human souls and hearts the way it was sincere.
Astaire’s elegance and grace had penetrated his each performance.
His contribution to dancing, musicals on screen had been enormous.
Fred seemed romantic with his gentleness, buoyancy, charm, style.
He had possessed good manners, attitude, exuding a shining smile.
His timing, sense of rhythm in dance, invention, taste, originality
Were complimented by his flawless technicality and emotionality.
He had learned singing, dancing, with which he’d further proceeded.
Fred had perfected dancing, and by no one he could be superseded.
He’s timeless legend influencing, inspiring people in the entire world.
His virtuoso, versatile performances recorded and preserved as gold.
Astaire - a fine professional, a kind, loving and caring human being.
He gave his family, friends, colleagues, fans a comfortable feeling.
Fred manifested courtesy, warm heartedness and consideration.
To all the people in entire world he had expressed his dedication.
May 10th – birthday of Fred Astaire, whom we admire, recognize.
He’s hard-working, multi-talented, creative, tender, modest, wise.
Fred pioneered a musical film genre with an eclectic dancing style,
Promoting it in musicals, comedies, on radio, television for a while.
Copyright©2012 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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