Maying in Europe

Czechia - Prague,
Germany - Berlin,
Poland - Warsaw,
And I'm here in bin...
I know that you've been there.
When and with whom? How and for what?
It's not important, yes, it's not important
though there's one sure thing:
without your presence my life isn't true ,
'Cos I just can't live without you!

Italy - Rome,
Hungary - Budapest,
Austria - Vena,
And my heart has got pest...
I know that you've lived there.
How long and with whom? Where and for what?
It's not important, yes, it's not important
though there's one sure thing:
without your presence my life isn't true,
'Cos I just can't be without you!

Трогательно! Совершенно становится очевидным, что вам до сих пор тяжело. И это чувство не покинет еще долго. Наверное в этом заключается смысл жизни любого творческого человека, страдать, что бы найти себя.

Максим Лемешев   04.10.2012 11:13     Заявить о нарушении