Gene Kelly

August 23rd - Gene Kelly’s birthday.  In 2012 there is 100 years since he was born.

Gene Kelly was a versatile performer, entertainer including actor,
As well as a dancer, choreographer, singer, producer and director.
He had possessed enthusiasm, athleticism, stamina, vigor, passion.
Kelly received a domestic and international recognition, attention. 
He did gymnastics, play ice hockey, volleyball, football, baseball,
Building up, strengthening his muscles, becoming athletic overall.
With consistent effort learning, practicing dancing brought success.
Kelly achieved an artistry, which he was able to buoyantly express.
From adolescence to adulthood he moved towards dancing career.
Kelly was fortunate meeting right people, engaging in atmosphere.
From teaching at dance school to acting in theater to screen movies,
Gene knew what he wanted, fulfilling his dreams, desires and duties. 
He integrated ballet, modern, jitterbugging, folk, tap dance mindfully.
Kelly was a perfectionist who polished his dance routine masterfully.
Gene also synthesized his dancing hybrid with film or motion picture.
He was a genius, as he invented a new genre with film/dance scripture.
Gene’s dance technique involved the camera to move, follow dancers.
While having not particularly known of hit or flop, he took his chances.
He had succeeded and superseded in his experiments, efforts, results.
Kelly became admirable, likeable by children, elderly, teens and adults.
Eventually, Kelly became an American icon, a legend, a super star.
His Singin’ in the Rain and An American in Paris had taken him far.
His own approach to dance in films brought innovation, revolution.
Gene would have liked to see in it more transformation, evolution.
August 23rd–Gene Kelly’s birthday, we think of him in soul and heart.
He had invented dancing that was a sophisticated, stylish form of art.
Gene was loving and kind, intelligent and witty, passionate and tender.
He was a sincere person and ambitious professional who self-rendered.

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
