Marcello Mastroianni

September 28th – Marcello Mastroianni’s birthday.  In 2012 there 88 years since he was born.

Marcello Mastroianni was a wonderful, talented Italian actor.
Tandems with Deneuve and Loren was an important factor.
Both ladies had contributed to Mastroianni’s success, fame.
He won his audience, received the critics’ positive acclaim.
La dolce Vita, Today and Tomorrow, Marriage Italian-Style…
He established and maintained his popularity for a long while.
La Notte, 8Ѕ, Divorce Italian-Style as well as Ready to Wear… 
Marcello had the courage to take on his roles, enabling to dare.
Carlo, Corrado, Piero, Soletti, Riccardo, Mario, Aldo, Ercole…
Marcello played various roles in order to accomplish his goal.
Renato, Pasquale, Cesare, Giulio, Don, Ugo, Alessandrini
His favorite movie director among all was Frederico Fellini.
Mastroianni was a sensual, charming, svelte and masculine man.
Women attracted to him, willing to spend their entire life span.
His temper was short, emotions - intense, he’s perceived as hot.
Marcello - enthusiastic, strong, brave, adventurous as astronaut.
September 28th – Marcello Mastroianni’s birthday we celebrate.
His versatile persona pursued his calling, his predetermined fate.
Marcello is remembered for devotion, talent and determination.
He had deserved a worldwide recognition and standing ovation.   

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
