Бред Герасима. Звезды-пульсары

me couldn’t get a choice
between a blonde and brunette

she was one
25 - another 23

         (мильярдовЪ летЪ  ? )

the first  ‘ad  phone in hands
   which was all covered  – by the brilliant  hearts !

another had their only tits
which jumping high
as flying she ahead 

i’ve got so mad
become of them both   

the second one she had
no fashioned shoes 
  boots on 5 inch heels

she didnt even use pomade    !

but blonde  'ad used some cream
to make her face much pale

-  ‘ve  missed i  time to make a choice   ?

some time she-one 1st plays  a fuckin' Tetris
some time another reads e book

both of them were ready for the love
with any stranger
 they overcomed this play  -   to say   :

- just chew your own lips awhile
lips ’re getting red on the face of pale    !

Придётся пригласить их всех и устроить дискотеку!

Белка Елкина   28.09.2012 23:15     Заявить о нарушении
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