Buster Keaton

October 4th – Buster Keaton’s birthday.  In 2012 there 117 years since he was born.

Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton – comedian, writer, filmmaker, producer.
Throughout his life, professional career he was a successor, not a looser.
He was original, inventive, versatile, physically strong and entertaining.
Buster fulfilled his childhood dreams and goals, which he was attaining.
Keaton was recognized for his acrobatic stunts and still facial expression,
Which had become a trademark, bringing to physical comedy innovation.
“The Great Stone Face” had been associated only with Keaton, Buster.
He kept inventing and reinventing his stunts each time faster and faster.
Keaton possessed or owned technical virtuosity and artistic independence.
He fully committed, involved himself in films, giving his 100% presence.
Buster was born, raised, practiced, trained with innate gift, talent, potential.
He had enjoyed performing stunts that were to him experientially essential.
Buster had been considered as a genius with vision, creativity, imagination.
He gained his popularity, became a legend with motivation, determination.
It started out as acrobatic stunts or acts, which were a part of vaudevilles.
His acting gift took Buster through the silent movies era and talking films.
Keaton developed and maintained his signature and acting, directing style,
Which had attracted endless audience, causing their laughter, giggle, smile.
He had performed on silent film and motion pictures screen, and TV shows.
Buster did not hide comic skills and talents but he would genuinely expose.
He was observant, mindful of the surrounding environment in any situation.
Keaton exuded optimism, enthusiasm, humor, curiosity, emotional reflection.
He gave his audience a sense of hope, encouragement, strength, inspiration.
In film production, Buster had made a smooth transition and transformation.
October 4th is Keaton’s birthday, we are remembering comedy’s true master.
A man of courage, strength, action, perseverance, stamina was our Buster.
He was spontaneous, quick witted, with a perfect sense of pausing, timing.
Keaton successfully utilized his talents, skills, abilities, evolving, refining.   

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
