Reborn - Game of fate

You life begins to change
It seems a little strange,
I know.
The pieces of your heart
     still hurt you by their pikes-
I see it in your eyes.

But your fate has dealed the cards:
It's time to make up your decision.
Your way is to find another reason
For living and stay hard.

The weakness or the might?
For something or despite...
You choose once and for all tonight.

You struggle as you can,
You have a dream again,
I know.
But phoenix is you totem:
   you're rising from the ashes.
To stars you make your dash.

The black colour or white?
Enslavement or your pride?
You choose once and for all tonight.

All the lies are gone
What should be - will be done
New Moon will tell another story:
   On future you rely.
And your reborn you don't deny.

