Here, an attempt should be made selective use of t
Отрывок работы Ан
дрея Игнатьева Поэтические переводы мои я так пишу Дхармы стихи
Here, an attempt should be made selective use of the thematic richness of the passage, taken from the text, to explore some of the important symbolic themes associated with this transformation, leading to the conversion of the absolute. Moreover, the study of this passage and stages of development of early Hindu Tantra, which he represents, reveals aspects of the complex and problematic interaction between the ritual techniques and the scope of meditative practices. Standard first step for the scientist will be an attempt to drive a useful for the interpretation of the wedges in the gap between the text and commentaries on it. However, it is difficult to use these intervals, when the only context that we have for the text, is a comment on this text. An example of this in the study of darshan (schools) is an attempt to read the Yoga-sutras without Yoga-бхашьи Vyasa and other подкомментариев. If such attempts us something and given, then this is what they showed: it is difficult to act, thus, otherwise, as in a speculative manner (6). In the case of poems, SA we have even fewer opportunities to continue, than in the case of Yoga-sutras. Even more difficult to explore this period, when such a comment establishes defining a new paradigm, which envelops the realistic manner of the original. This is just the case with the comment Абхинавагупты, entitled «a Brief interpretation of SA» (Паратришика-лагхувритти) (7). Here't have layers and uniform comment Абхинавагупты does not clear the contents of the original ritual and empirical context of these verses.
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