Alexander Pushkin

here I brought you chocolate from the hell you are but I, too, eat not sent here eat what is found there, Alexander Pushkin no he is not Haram crazy parent of his so called true... the creature over him all the years and in the school and in the art school all ugorali type laughed and played here I quote brought worthy of stars, "Exactly know when the little known, together with the knowledge of the doubt has been growing.

Without advertising, Affairs...ATL money, can only mint.

If you are the most intelligent, the one who will understand you.

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Just sit down to work, be sure someone will Wake!!!)) .O me:Sooo nasty type!!!! All the rest, it mate!!!));; ;;;;;• † ; ; ;;; (;•) ; ( ; + ; = ; ) ;;; equipment
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"it is not I wrote and he we with him for a long time no talk, and it's not he's not my friend and brother so classmates of the old guys I page until today have not read but as the winter with him played
