looking for the answers


I’m looking for the answers
To solve my fucking business
But I just see no chances
To make my life go easy…

I’m tired from the vine,
I’m tired from the movies,
But by me there’s no one
To whom I just could prove this…

I’m lonely & I’m tired.
Why God did this to me?
In my night-dream you’re pirate,
Who’s just…afraid of me…

You’re drinking out my blood.
You can’t just drink out pain.
Who are you? You’re not God…
I’m diving in the rain…

I’m leaving steps behind you.
Just turn back look at sand.
The whole world stays around you
But I leave you my friend…

Is that too much I’m asking-
Just to know sense of world?
There is just one (I trust him)
Who can make me to know…

He is somebody like you
But different inside
But I’ll just never find true
With him I seem belied.

I’m looking to his eyes-
Down there I see your face.
His touch to me’s surprise-
Just you touched me these ways…

