Distorted perception of reality

It's all about love,
All Madness, Pain and Misery.
But what makes it so rough
That hurts all stones so easilly?

Eternal question 'What?'
Which causes all the troubles.
But askless men are odd
Like stonish soap bubbles.

The topic is the least
Of what we're always worry.
The more important 'Beast'
Is how to feel no Sorry.

Emotions are obscure
for those, who are 'Successful'.
Much better: Ride the rules
Unless your life'll be stressful.

The point is to find
The EmoLogic balance,
And here, if you don't mind,
I'll hide behing the valance.

It's up to each of us
Which road'll be taken,
But be sure not to trust
Those thoughts, which did just broke in.

