Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh was an ambitious actress, Oscar’s winner, Hollywood’s star.
She was upbeat, it seemed as if vast, endless was her energy’s reservoir.
Leigh passionately pursued her acting calling and gradually succeeded.
Her talents, skills, persistence, dedication, drive were definitely heeded.
Vivien was canny, as she possessed a sense of humor, inspiration, wit.
She could be difficult at times, while being naturally charming, sweet.
Leigh was considerate, courageous, friendly, vibrant, kind and clever.
These traits had helped her to accomplish her professional endeavor.
Scarlett-“Gone with the Wind,” Blanche-“A Streetcar Named Desire”…
Leigh’s temper was full of impatience, caprice, stubbornness and fire.
She was attractive, seductive, appealing, seeking love, lust, affection.
Leigh always fulfilled her desires, dreams, needs, receiving satisfaction.
Vivien was always a perfectionist striving in acting to perform her best.
Leigh was committed to fulfill her predetermined destiny, life’s quest.
She gained much popularity, became a source of strength, inspiration.
Leigh - an example of dreams come true, strong will, drive, aspiration.
Lady Vivien Leigh Olivier’s birthday had fallen on November, the Fifth.
Her life was active, wild – a vivid reality mixed with fairy tale or myth.
She had her ups and downs while struggling with marriages and health.
Nevertheless, she shared talent contributing to film and theater wealth.
Copyright©2012 Mila Alper
* Photo is from the Internet
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