Johnny Hartman

July 3rd - Johnny Hartman’s birthday.  In 2012 there is 89 years since he was born.

Johnny Hartman was a jazz singer with a melodious baritone timbre.
He was an old fashioned man with a romantic spirit, soothing temper.
It manifested in his choice of jazz style Johnny had performed or sung.
His song interpretation revealed his heart – warm, gentle, loving, young.   

He happened to be born a little bit ahead of time, of which he was aware.
Johnny kept singing with his skill and passion, he didn’t give up but dared.
He shared his gift with audience that could appreciate his craft and spirit.
Hartman had made his contribution to the music world - his special pivot.

Although he played piano, Hartman is known for his vocal gift, versatility.
He paced his songs and charged with soothing tones, emotions, sensitivity.
To Johnny lyrics were not just the lyrics, but a ballad or a real life’s story,
Which was profound, simple, touching, compelling and self-explanatory.

Hartman’s artistic expression and emotional reflection was truly natural.
His individualistic style, music interpretation was tender, fond, perpetual.
Johnny committed to his style throughout his entire life remaining loyal.
He was a simple, modest, kind hearted, gentle man opposing being royal.

July 3rd - John Maurice or Johnny Hartman’s birthday, which we celebrate.
His talents, kindred soul, fulfillment of his mission we genuinely appreciate.
Hartman was mindful, thoughtful singer communicating deepest meaning.
He stood up for his ideals, truth, beliefs without compromising dreaming.   

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
