Lily Tomlin

September 1st - Lily Tomlin’s birthday.

Everybody knows her well – her name is Tomlin Lily.
She can be and she simply is humorous, witty and silly.
Her versatility and charm can catch off guard, astound.
Lily’s creativity is sharp, direct, challenging, profound.

Margo, Edwina, Linnea, Pat, Violet, Trisha, Rose, Trudy…
Lily can be dramatic, deep, expressive, enthusiastic, moody.
Inga, Doreen, Ruth, Georgie, Vivian, Janet, Rhonda, Jane…
Tomlin achieved her mastery, which she is able to maintain. 

Tomlin just dares to express herself the way she truly is.
The characters Lily has played you do not want to miss.
They came alive with stories drawn from Lily’s real life.
Lily was able to improvise, in them she’d naturally dive.

Her movements, gestures, mimics are unique or distinct.
Lily is never still, changes, transforms on stage in instant.
Tomlin had honed her skills, performed evoking laughter.
Awards include Emmy and Tony, Grammy and BAFTA.

Lily succeeded in her career as actress, comedian, writer.
For her beliefs, dreams, goals she is a conqueror or fighter.
She is intelligent, driven, astute, gifted, inspiring, daring.
Lily is optimistic, loving, kind, considerate, loyal, caring.

On 9/1, Lily Tomlin’s birthday, we wish you all the best!
May you continue your path, your calling and your quest!
Wishing you, Lily, happiness, love, humor, laughter, peace!
May you still shine, blossom, evolve…wouldn’t you please?

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
