Sophia Loren

September 20th  - Sophia Loren’s birthday.

Sophia Loren is a legendary actress, and gorgeous and glamorous lady, star.
Her acting fate has taken her from homeland Italy to the United States by far.
Sophia has always been hard working, versatile, ambitious, driven, passionate.
Her sensuality, charisma, feminineness, Italian temper made her sensational.

“El Cid,” “It Started in Naples,” “Two Women” and “Marriage Italian-Style”…
Despite any role or life situation, Sophia is optimistic with a magnetic smile.   
“A Special Day,” “The Voyage,” “Pret-a-Porter,” “Sunflower” and “Nine”…
She’s a professional who grows, evolves, fulfills potential, continues to refine.

Loren has been known not only for her beauty, but sharpness and intelligence,
As well as kindness, generosity, humanity, compassion, dedication, gentleness.
Sophia is goal oriented, honest, natural, modest, courageous and strong willed.
She has a winning personality, knows how to conquer with a desirable appeal.

Sophia has been dedicated to home country, culture, family with much pride.
She’s been expressive of her cultural identity, would exhibit and never hide.
Throughout her life, Loren has been enthusiastic, positive, vigorous, daring.
She’s resilient, vulnerable, lovable, loving, responsible, reliable and caring.

On 20th of September falls Sophia Loren’s birthday – that is her celebration.
While willing to maintain a low profile, she will attract a maximum attention.
Sophia is an Oscar’s winner, Hollywood’s star domestically and internationally.
She still self represents with an exquisite taste, style, flair, dressing fashionably.

Dear Sophia, we wish you Happy Birthday and many more to come your way!
For your longevity, happiness, joy, health and harmony we will together pray!
May you successfully pursue your further goals, ideas, dreams and aspirations!
You are a true example of success and inspiration for new, current generation!

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet

"тонкий шрам на любимой попе.."- прекрасна Софи Лорен в том клипе, песню поёт Андрей Макаревич.

С уважением Анна. С огромным интересом читаю Ваши стихи! Желаю любви и вдохновения! Анна.

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