The instruction of the laity

The instruction of the laity
Endless Love
The author of the Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje my poetic translation

The first is the courage, diligence, and patience
this will bring you success
Try for the benefit of others, without fear of interference
Cultivate mindfulness and awareness
Day after day
Use it right now
And we shall never die.
Story about it
Do not wait until later
The future is not tomorrow,
The future now
You are here you are now,
The future of the not yet born
It has never been opened
Work today for Tomorrow,
and this is a great mystery...

The author of the Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje my poetic translation

The first is the courage,
diligence, and patience
this will bring you success
Try for the benefit of others,
without fear of interference
Cultivate a mindfulness
and awareness
Day after day
Use it right now
And we shall never die.
Story about it
Do not wait until later
The future is not tomorrow,
The future now
You are here you are now,
The future of The not yet born
It has never been opened
Work today for Tomorrow,
and this is a great mystery...

Through the kindness, we wish to all living beings to find happiness and to bring happiness.

The author of the Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje my poetic translation

Be kinder
Love people
We wish
To all living
Things were
free from suffering
in this miracle
and enlightenment
radiate empathy
this is the secret of
it will bring you to the universal
love and success.
This is a free
The joy of Дхарамы

The author of the Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje my poetic translation
Be kinder
Love people
We wish
To all living
Things were
free from suffering
in this miracle
and enlightenment
radiate empathy has
this is the secret of
it will bring you to the universal
love and success.
This is a free
The joy of Дхарамы

The author of the Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje my poetic translation

Faith is not a test
And not a punishment
This flight, and no remorse...
The main thing the right Way,
And the Way it's God
God it's Me.

Faith is a Flight
This is the Way of faith
The path is the God

I will deliver you
From stress and suffering
But you should take
Embrace The Faith,
Not the test, and not a punishment.
