Fall has just begun

Well I was fallen from the grace
And the fall has just begun.
My anger is written upon my face
I 'm as the trigger of a gun.
It's over now and God knows why
But life turns closer to the edge.
There was the man simple shy,
Now pulling strong with mighty rage.
The people whom dare stand before,
I'll send them all to Promised Land.
The madness burns and nevermore,
Just law of powerful in my hands.

Judge is my name!
And I had got it by myself.
I watch the shame!
I call your blame!
This all must bury to the grave...
With sin of Eve...

The evening smells as sweat of joy
But ice of hate freezes the heart.
As some of kind of voodoo toy
I am impale out with its cold.
It hangs just right before my eyes,
And just beyond it last of bound,
The nasty haze of velvet lies
Cross over mind passing around.
There is no reason to fear season
Of dying leaves and weeping rains
I have no more delusion's  prison
Into the smashed crazy brain.

Judge is my name!
And I had got it by myself.
I watch the shame!
I call your blame!
This all must bury to the grave...
With sin of Eve...
