With sensetivest eye of mine... by H. Wagner
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(1st version)
With sensetivest eye of mine, - in my true heart, - I see
The beauty of th’invisible mysterious far worlds
Those, ^opened miraculously right ^front of me,
When (door-kept) veil-like darkness was dispelled by loving Gods,
And shown the reality more real than a world of forms…
That’s godly boon in secrets of the grasp light-blessed....these words -
A truth of lesson of my lifeway’s quests… In (maddest) storms
I should be strong (enough) to keep the mystery of those worlds.
/07.09.2012 - dacha by S.Posad/
A note: - I let myself to use this sort of brackets within the text, because I just was trying to keep the length of the poetic line in translation much closer to original. As you can see, that was quite successful, in fact. - Here I apologize that the author's meaning of the "door" was expressed by me rather a little hiddenly, but that undoubtedly suits the whole inner context of the poem.
The lines 7th and 8th, with all the gentle sense and the poetic manner expressed in them, reminds me some sentimental lines from Ella Wilcox (that's to my ear), and...I'm still thinking how to compromise here with that 2-syllable extra-word more perfectly, the way it's truly deserved by a talented poetess Helena.
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текст оригинала очень специфичный...я рада, что ты услышал междустрочье...такие ексты мало кому понятны...только мистикам...тонко чувствующим душам, умеющим проникнуть в тайны "красоты необъяснимой"...
я счастлива, что этот текст получил жизнь...я с твоего разрешения опубликую его на моей страничке в FB lyrics...
Я, (*_*)...с лунной улыбкой...
Елена Вагнер Федосеева 2 07.09.2012 13:51 Заявить о нарушении
I'm proud much you like it, dear.
НО: только обязательно укажи, что это ещё первая только редакция, первый вариант перевода, pls.
Максимилиан Гюбрис 08.09.2012 00:29 Заявить о нарушении
Елена Вагнер Федосеева 2 08.09.2012 15:34 Заявить о нарушении