Mel Brooks

June 28th - Mel Brooks’ birthday.

Have you heard the rumor?
Mel Brooks is best at humor.
Favors parody, satire, farce,
Achieving witty resonance.

Have you heard Mel’s smart?
His work’s state-of-the-art.
Brooks has good observation,
And mind’s full of invention.

Have you heard the fact?
Brooks puts together his act.
Acting, producing, writing –
It’s daring, sharp, exciting.

Have you heard Mel’s wise?
Brooks knows how to arise
To desirable level, height,
For which he takes his pride.

Have you heard the truth?
Humor defends his youth.
Mel’s upbeat, courageous.
He’s making decent wages.

Have you heard Mel’s funny?
He’s buoyant, gifted, canny.
Brooks’ versatile, unique.
He’s intrepid versus meek.

Have you heard the joke?
Mel might write his blog.
What should be the theme?
Perhaps, the Jewish dream.

June 28th - Brooks’ special day.
Best wishes we would like to say.
Health, happiness to you and bliss!
In satire, comedy you are the Wiz! 

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
