
Light a candle in the night,
Fetch a star and make it glitter,
Do whatever you feel right,
Stay away from feeling bitter.

Burn your lips against the cold,
Have your heart beat so much faster,
Here's my hand for you to hold,
Close your eyes and wait what's after.

Fill with joy the glass of life,
Be awake and young forever,
You're not dead, you are alive!
Don't you quit, not you, not ever!

Give the most stupid smile,
Sing your most favored tune,
Dance in your peculiar style
Late at night till afternoon.

Always hope for the better,
Worst will come without a call.
Be yourself, what else does matter?
If there's anything at all...

Gosh, this is such a true...

Always hope for the better,
Worst will come without a call.
Be yourself, what else does matter?
If there's anything at all.(c)

nothing else really matters,except beeing yourself!
Please keep it up! You're doing great!!!
I loved it!

Яна Кяпсня   12.01.2013 14:30     Заявить о нарушении
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