Marina Tsvetaeva - Nostalgia
Long- exposed!
I’m absolutely pointless
Where to go
Along the streets of cobble,
I drag myself,
To some unknown barrack
I call “my place”
I’m absolutely passive
If I must snap
Like a lion captivated
By people’s mass
Or, ousted, hide in private,
Like a bear,
Can’t bear innuendos
I won’t be either flattered
By native tongue,
Don’t matter in what language
I’m cursed by one!
(Those who engage in
papers, fond of buzz)
They’re eager for the century -
I can't care less
I’m like a lifeless trunk
Left from a tree
All people look alike -
To mindless me
Or maybe even days
I held most dear
My soul, my precious soul,
Could not secure
That land was so unfeeling
Even sleuth
Would not detect a birthmark
'cross my soul
Each home, each dome is foreign
But should I meet a rowan
On the street…
* * *
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