Russian Poets Collected Translations
I am. You- will be. There’s a gap between us.
I drink. You’re- thirsty. No room for bargains.
Ten years, like a hundred thousand years,
Divide us. God provided no crossings.
“Be,” I command, and let me
Pass by you breathlessly
Not violating growth.
I am. You- will be. Ten springs down the road,
You’ll say, “I am,”
And I will say, “I used to…”
A. Tarkovsky. The Portrait
No one’s with me at all.
There’s a portrait on the wall
Of the old hag, her blind eyes
Are walked on by flies,
“Are you happy,” so I ask,
“In your heaven, under glass?”
A fly is streaming down the cheek,
The hag answers with the wink,
“As you’re sitting in your home,
Are you happy there, alone?”
А. Тарковский. "Портрет"
Никого со мною нет.
На стене висит портрет.
По слепым глазам старухи
Ходят мухи,
Хорошо ли, - говорю, -
Под стеклом твоём в раю?
По щеке сползает муха,
Отвечает мне старуха:
- А тебе в твоём дому
Хорошо ли одному?
A. Tarkovsky. Being as proud
Being as proud as I used to be
I’d leave forever, just letting you be.
Leaving behind what I easily drop,
Leaving behind what I never forget,
Everything- splitting my kingdom apart.
I would agree that you take as you go
Hundreds of kisses and of holidays, hundreds
Of words. You can take them with you.
What am I left with? The coldest of dawns,
Hundreds of late, after hours trains
And hundreds of raindrops that run after you.
A hundred of streets and a hundred of courts
Washed by a hundred of raindrops on tracks.
А. Тарковский. "Если б, как прежде, я был горделив"
Boris Pasternak. Caution: Wet Paint
Ignoring words “Don’t touch! Wet paint!”
Stepped in my careless soul,
And now the memory is stained
With hands, and lips, and soles.
Amid all troubles, in dismay
I loved you with such might
Because with you the yellowish world
Became the painter’s white.
And, oh, my darkness, my soul-mate,
One day it’ll move ahead
To be as white as your lampshade
Or my bandaged forehead.
Борис Пастернак
"Не трогать, свежевыкрашен",-
Душа не береглась,
И память - в пятнах икр и щек,
И рук, и губ, и глаз.
Я больше всех удач и бед
За то тебя любил,
Что пожелтелый белый свет
С тобой - белей белил.
И мгла моя, мой друг, божусь,
Он станет как-нибудь
Белей, чем бред, чем абажур,
Чем белый бинт на лбу!
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