Oscar Peterson

August 15th – Oscar Peterson’s birthday.  In 2012, it has been 87 years since he was born.

Oscar Peterson was a legendary piano player, a talented, accomplished pianist of era.
He had excelled himself expanding and integrating the jazz, swing and be-bop terra.
Focusing on subtle skills, he aimed for and acquired virtuosity, a technical advance.
Oscar’s ambition and consistent effort learning from best pros gave a career chance.

Peterson studied classical music piano playing before he transitioned to desirable jazz.
Having built foundation and enhancing technique, he had discovered his niche and path.
Oscar expressed his vision, recording and stage performing with passion and creativity.
He was an individual, who had possessed commitment, love for music and versatility.

Technique he learned and implemented served Peterson as tool for his self-expression.
When playing masterpieces, he had fulfilled his dream having achieved a satisfaction.
Oscar internalized his life experiences and incorporated his ideas, feelings, thoughts.
Learning a “musical vocabulary,” technique’s pursuit, was in his verbal, written notes.

He had pleasure and honor working with Basie, Tatum, Gillespie, Fitzgerald and Cole,
Getz, Eldridge, Monk, Ellington, Parker, Armstrong, with whom he achieved his goal.
Peterson had honed, perfected his skill in terms of dexterity, rhythm, tempo and speed.
No one within professional environment was able to accomplish his level ore supersede.

Peterson was a human being who stood up, advocated for his people, justice, equality.
He’s known personally and professionally for expressing his genuine emotionality.
Oscar was loving, caring, kind, compassionate and sensitive to other people’s needs.
He was an optimistic and enthusiastic individual who had believed doing good deeds.

August 15th – Oscar Peterson’s birthday, let’s think of him in our spirit, soul and heart.
He was a master of his trade achieving in music, jazz in particular, the state-of-the-art.
His legacy continues to live, prevailing for endless time frame, welcoming opportunity
For all professionals and amateurs to fulfill their dreams and reach an overall congruity.

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
