The Throne of Lucifer
This afternoon dies slowly forever,
The world is overfilled with weariness and fatigue,
Another episode of this life’s masquerade
Comes to an end…
The curtain falls…
And beauteous Agnes Adoma,
The prima donna of the opera house,
A-shining in the luster of her fame,
Leaves her beloved stage to the ovation
Of the spectators.
Her eyes! Her gorgeous green eyes!
They shine, like emeralds in the midday fire of heaven!
Her skin is white, like a snow of the mountain peaks.
The hairs of hers are golden threads, which flow down,
Like a summer waterfall.
Her ruby lips, so passionate and bright,
Radiate wanton love and lust, which seem to be endless.
When she entered the dressing room of hers,
She saw a basket of gorgeous roses,
And there was a message in the bouquet.
She took it gently, her heart went pitapat,
And read it out loud. It said:
“O belle! Thou art insuperable!
I need you, come to me! The car is waiting underneath.”
And Agnes ran out of the theater.
The night has fallen and it’s covered
The towns with darkness like a shroud.
The stars began to twinkle brightly,
Singing the song of the Universe.
And underneath stood a flamboyant car,
A dog-headed gentleman approached her
And led her to this limousine.
He let her in and closed the door
And led the car on a wide road.
And in the twinkling of an eye
He took her to the pathos restaurant,
A den of vice, where lesbians and gays
Performed their perversions in a show,
Which was, methinks, the most vulgar ever.
The man brought Agnes closer to a boy,
A youth, who had a purple tuxedo on,
And he began to talk to her:
“I am the servant of the evil one,
The prince of darkness,
Who had rejected God and his creation,
And thus became an outcast of Heaven.
He has adopted me right after I was slain
Inside your womb.
The heavens didn’t accept me – he continued, –
For my conception
Was a result of grave fornication.
And now I am standing before you,
My mentor has a plan to be accomplished,
A plan of death, unhappiness and woe.
Some thousands of years ago,
Before the men had been exiled to the Earth,
The World was populated by the demons,
And it was reigned by Lucifer.
Death, plague and slavery held sway over the planet,
But nowadays his power’s overthrown,
Nevertheless, it can be now restored.
Amid the woods, where Europe and Asia meet,
In that dark country of the dog-headed men,
Where betrayers rule over that land,
That country of the burned-out Sun
There is a throne of the evil one.
It’s made of an alloy of gold and human blood
And hidden in the depths of the Earth.
And if the solar rays touch its surface,
Then they will be reflected, and the Earth
Will be scorched for ever,
The kingdom of the evil one
Will be established unto ages of ages,
And Satan will reign again.
There is a group of scholars, who are
Conducting excavations at that place.
Among them there is a God’s angel,
Who looks just like other men.
He has been sent to ruin my master’s plans.
You’ll recognize him easily, indeed.
He has to disentomb the throne
And break it just before the dawn,
So that it’ll never meet the Sun.
You are supposed to lead him to temptation
And make him thus forsake the divine plans.”
“But why? Why should I serve him,
The King of vice, the cause of all troubles?”
“You have already served him, having killed me”-
The angel replied bluntly.
“And now I need to go”, - he added gently.
“My master’s waiting in the Underworld”.
He left the restaurant and disappeared…
A gentleman came unto her, said “follow me”,
Agnes obeyed.
And she again entered the car,
And it dashed off faster than a rocket.
And soon they reached that wicked land.
That devil’s servant left her in the woods,
And flew away.
Around her the pines stood like pickets,
The owl screeched somewhere far away.
The bats flew, scaring our Agnes.
The night was reigning in this dense wood.
And she began to pray, to pray sincerely:
O God, i can’t withstand all that!
She was alone, like a drop of dew in the desert.
“Wherefore thou left me? Wherefore?”
The sky remained silent.
And she beheld the hosts of the cursed:
Adulterers and murderers, and drunkards.
They stood with spears, swords and torches in their hands
And Devil guided them and breathed with fire,
Which burned all the living souls.
But lo! She noticed the light,
Which came from the depths of the forest.
The men, who sat around the bonfire,
Were these very scholars,
Explorers of the depths of our planet.
They sat, discussing scientific questions,
Some of them had already been asleep.
As she approached them,
A youth stood up and turned.
His visage of shining dark-blue eyes
Radiated peace and joy, and Love,
Which Agnes had never felt before.
“Baruch”- the name escaped her lips.
“I am”, - the youth replied quietly.
“I know, who you are”, he said with assurance,
“For He, who has created all the World,
Knows all of us by name and by sight
In this World and in the World to come.
You know me, I know you. What else to say?
And they retreated to the dense woods,
Baruch began to talk to her gently:
“The Holy One has chosen me
To save the World from the death,
The kingdom of the Evil one is closer day by day.
Those archeologists are just
An instrument in his hands.
I am concerned about you, o prodigal daughter of the Heaven,
For He, the Holy One, has been waiting for you
Since the creation of the World.
He sent you from His Kingdom to the Earth,
So that you could endure all the sorrows
And enter His sweet groves of the Paradise.”
And then he waved with his right hand,
Then Agnes saw great multitudes of Angels of the Lord.
Their faces dazzled the look of human being,
And they held trumpets made of silver,
The music that they played was brilliant
And filled the heart with Love and hope and joy.
“You have observed the two antagonistic worlds”,-
The angel continued to talk.
“And it is your own right to choose
Between Good and Evil.”
And Agnes fled in greatest haste
Towards the excavation.
She seized the spade and started digging violently…
She noticed a golden glitter,
Which came from the depths of the Earth.
The light of the smoldering bonfire
Touched its bright surface,
And the rays began to burn Agnes’s skin,
She burst with fire and began to dash around, like a madwoman.
The blood of hers was boiling.
She fell unconscious and she laid
Until the dawn was breaking.
When she awakened,
She found herself in an icy wilderness,
Having a tunic on.
Around her chrysanthemums bloomed,
They grew directly from the icy soil.
And then the voice of the Almighty
Invoked to her:
“O daughter of mine! Thine sins are now forgiven,
For thou beath a faithful subject of my Kingdom.
This wilderness will melt, and all the Earth
Will then be like a blossoming garden.
It will be mine for evermore!..”
The Sun was rising in the East,
Illuminating all the World,
And Agnes stood, like a saint,
Full of hope, faith and Love.
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