Robert De Niro

August 17th - Robert De Niro’s birthday.

Robert De Niro is an actor who manifests, exudes much versatility, humor and candor.
He’s often unpredictable, while he can make us watching him on screen and wonder…
De Niro doesn’t have one type of characters he plays but many personas or personalities.
He’s making sure that his characters tell us their story while being visible individualities.

De Niro is one of a kind, he knows it while remaining…modest, humble, shy? Not really.
He executes own opinion, he says whatever he thinks, explicitly, expressively and freely.
His audience, friends, family, colleagues accept, love, understand him just the way he is.
Robert’s creative in approaching people of various social layers – he’s naturally the Wiz.

De Niro has often played the characters that are by script and/or in their real life Italian.
For his performances Coppolla and Scorsese should've rewarded him with rare medallion.
He’s only quarter of Italian but he identifies himself and acts as he’s 100 percent or more.
When watching Robert’s characters, the audience’s no doubt he is Italian to the very core.

Robert’s an actor who portrays on screen people from real life with accuracy and caution.
He doesn’t take roles lightly or for granted, but he exhibits essence, depth and clear notion.
De Niro feels his characters delivering them on the screen with skill, precision, free of flaw.
His talent’s universal, will continue to evolve, bring novelty, expand and inevitably glow.

On August 17th falls Robert De Niro’s birthday – we wish you, Robert, all you want or care!
You are unique and innovative, whatever you decide in life pursuing, you’ll definitely dare!
May you be blessed with health and happiness, filled with creative energy and inspiration!
Without a doubt, you will achieve your most refreshing, long awaiting dreams, aspirations!   

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
