Never Alone

I'm sometimes afraid of my own emotions
As if I was born to create and destroy...
I know that I should take it all in proportions,
But brain seems to be my heart's favourite toy.

I'm over explaining, expecting and seeking.
I'm tired of preteding it's all in my head.
My own self analyses starts to get tricky.
I try to be shallow- fall deeper instead.

Why can't I find balance within my distortions
And harmony always avoids my "sweet home"...
I can stand myself only in little portions...
Please, help me...I need to be never alone.

Спасибо за стих! Очень понравилось, своим искренним отчаянием. С теплом

Лидия Эльфстранд   07.08.2012 23:18     Заявить о нарушении