М. Цветаева Две руки, легко опущенные EN LT
My pair of hands is still on two
Your heads for each by one.
My pair of hands was mine for you—
Two lives in me begun.
But still saw I (with all my might!):
To hold you both was wrong.
Child number one lay by my side,
The number two was gone.
My both hands for both of you:
Little heads, were not so true.
I passed a midnight lost one “you”
Why should I have hand two?
A fair-haired fur is real--
A summer flower’s head.
I still can’t put up with the deal:
My little one lay dead.
Rankos dvi lengvai nukrito
Per mazyliu galveles.
Viena tau, o kitai kita,
Padalinkit tarp saves.
Bet nejauciau,kaip nejuciom
Ir beda atejo cia:
Vienai liuliavau as ciucia,
Kita praradau nakcia.
Tik neklauskit:arba arba,
Sirdziai tai visvien skaudet.
Vienai rankai nera darbo,
Ka paglostyt glamonet.
Va galvele ramunele
Baltu puku apgaubta.
Kaip pamirsiu,kad dukrele
Pavoge mirtis pikta.
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