Cruel by Dropkick Murphy s

 / Takes from “Going Out In Style” 2011 /

We were born into nothing, hard up so to speak
But love and affection this family afforded me
Worries came early and often it seemed
Fate was not pleasant still I was redeemed
Then compassion soon faded to chaos
As they did their best all the while
When circumstance outweighs intention
Sometimes the mountain's just too hard to climb

They were cruel, they were ignorant
They were beauty, they were kind
They were patience, they were virtue
They were crazy, they were mine

I was young and I thought I knew everything
It's so hard to change a fool's mind
When you're stubborn by nature and quick to the draw
And you're full of inherited pride
But some lessons come harder than others
And some senses are harder to find
Your troubles won't end when you're saved by the bell
You'll still answer to those you defied

They were cruel, they were ignorant
They were beauty, they were kind
They were patience, they were virtue
They were crazy, they were mine

The heavens might sing out your praises
But the heavens won't pay for your lies
The sinners might pray for your problems
But the sinners won't look in your eye

They were crazy, they were mine

They were cruel, they were ignorant
They were beauty, they were kind
They were patience, they were virtue
They were crazy, they were mine

The heavens might sing out your praises
But the heavens won't pray for your lies
The sinners might pay for your problems
But the sinner won't look in your eyes


Мы были рождены в нищете, не имея ничего за душой,
Но эта семья дала мне любовь и привязанность.
Затруднения пришли рано, и часто казалось,
Что судьба всё ещё не благосклонна ко мне.
Проявив на тот момент максимум усилий,
Сострадание постепенно слилось с хаосом.
Когда материальный достаток доминирует над разумом,
Путь на гору праведников слишком труден,
Чтобы достойно пройти по нему.

Они были жестокими и грубыми,
Они были прекрасными и добрыми,
Они были терпеливы и целомудренны,
Они были сумасшедшими, но они были моими.

Я был молод и думал, что всё знаю –
Так тяжело изменить разум глупца.
Когда ты по натуре упрям и склонен к соблазнам,
Когда полон унаследованной гордости,
Некоторые уроки даются труднее, чем другие,
Иногда нужный ориентир выбрать очень тяжело.
Ваши проблемы не заканчиваются,
Когда вы спасаетесь благодаря чуду,
И ещё предстоит держать ответ перед теми,
Кого вы презираете.

Они были жестокими и грубыми,
Они были прекрасными и добрыми,
Они были терпеливы и целомудренны,
Они были сумасшедшими, но они были моими.

Возможно, небеса прокричат вам дифирамбы,
Но небеса не будут платить за вашу ложь.
Возможно, грешники будут платить за ваши проблемы,
Но грешник не будет смотреть вам в глаза.


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