Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind… all my dreams I used to hold,
Gone with the wind… after heat I`m plunged in cold,
Seems my fingertips are getting numb
Throbbing heart is languishing, so sad and glum.
Never thought that I could feel this way
When night is changed by night, not by a day.
Gone with the wind… I used to fly like bird,
I reveled in those words without fear of being hurt.
Gone with the ultraviolet rainbow in the sky,
Gone with blast of freezing wind at hour of night,
Gone without asking me to linger on…
Gone without word waving me goodbye of stone…
I cried, I crept, I stretched my hands,
I never dared to think of end…
My God, I prayed like holy day and night,
I asked to stay a moment by my side,
I promised kindling sparks of blazing fire,
I rushed around the circle of my crying,
But never had a feedback from your eyes,
When door was slammed at hour of night…
I cried with moon, it shed the rays upon my tears,
I cried with wind, it soothed me too,
I sang with dawn that whispered to my ears
‘Good riddance to past and new hope to you…’

