Dare To Dream...

Dare To Dream...

Be a self starter and finish what you start,
Aspire to reach higher and in the interim work hard,
For if you Dare To Dream, one day you will stand tall,
Accomplishing your goals and maybe even more!

I'm living proof of that, believe me when I say,
My journey wasn't simple...in fact, a rough, tough way.
And if you have a minute, a story will unfold,
And you will get a glimpse into my special world!

We left when I was nine, but lost one on the way,
My grandfather, that is, who became ill, to my dismay.
We buried him and left, the country we called Home.
With fear, with tears, with hope, we've arrived to Rome.

It's cold, so cold, I still recall,
Those winter months in gorgeous Rome.
No extra clothes, with money scarce,
We've never gave up hope, knowing that, this too, shall pass...

Hello New York! The worst seems behind,
OH MY LORD, please be kind...
My mother fell ill and in need of treatment,
What are we going to do? Won't be able to endure another bereavement...

God is kind and helps us with this too,
Years go by, we've managed to pull through!
I still repeat the words my parents have instilled,
"Darling, work real hard and your Dreams will be fulfilled!"

School-work, work-school, with a goal in mind,
Then marriage, kids, more mountains to climb,
Then back to school for more degrees,
One Master, two, and even three, followed by a Pharmaceutical Pharm.D. !

So when life deals a blow and the future seems on hold,
"Press on, Press on", be uncommonly bold!
You've one life to live and as YOUR story unfolds,
Dare To Dream and remember these words...

"Those Who Dream and Those Who Work Hard,"
"Will reach their goal(s), without a magic wand!" 
As Gibran once told...
"...hard as it may seem, on the lips of the fair there appears
your name..."


Hi, dear Simone, I read with pleasure you bio-poem.
It is very positive and optimistic, very much up my alley.
I am also all positive oriented.Even if life gives us negative side,
we learn how to deal with it, and move forward.
We are not very far from each other, I am in Canada, T.O., you know.
Glad to find you, so please be in touch and visit anytime.
I will try to do the same with your site. With love, Masha R.

Маша Рутитская   27.11.2012 01:03     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, my dear! You are my newly found treasure )
I enjoy reading your work and your English is absolutely SUPERB!

I appreciate your time on my page, I appreciate your wisdom and I most certainly appreciate your patience. I write mainly for myself, as you now understand, not to forget the language, plus I like to challenge myself in different ways. Obviously writing in English comes very easy, not so in Russian. To be here among, professional writers, who either live in Russia or left the country at a much later age, is a bit intimidating, to say the least. So, I find it an honor to even be here and to be read. I don't know what to expect when people visit my page, because they may be expecting a whole lot more, not realizing my background. So, please know that I truly am grateful to people like yourself, who took the time to get to know me and expressed kindness and patience. I will most definitely be visiting you, each time I have an opprotunity to log on. Thank you for your kind heart and for your support.

Best always, my dear to you and to yours, God Bless

Симона Пекер   27.11.2012 01:15   Заявить о нарушении
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