Keep Closer

That’s why I’m still holding you in my head:
Your voice and your eyes I don’t want to forget.
Keep closer your thoughts; I just want you to be
The person that I have no forces to leave.

I’m trying to be such a kind of girl,
That you’ll want to care, that you’ll want to know.
Keep closer your eyes and don’t take them from me –
That’s the only thing I just want to believe.

Be here, be with me and I’ll be with you.
Forever and always I’ll be over you.
Keep closer your lips and kiss me with passion,
And fondness will cover all our relations.

I want you, I love you, I miss you, I know
That I don’t want to make all these feelings let go.
Keep closer your hands and don’t take them from me.
I’ll be with you always, forever will be.
