A song that forms inside my restless mind...

A song that forms inside my restless mind,
No matter how I try to put an end
To this unending sound... long to find
That bliss - the peace, can't borrow it, can't lend.

Can't stand the song, keep singing it - I'm trapped
Inside my mind... I'm longing for the soul
To set me free from where I'm being kept,
To break the cycle, to regain control...

Mind in the loop, my body takes a hit -
A victim of abuse, a silent slave,
No matter how I'm trying to behave,
I've failed yet again, I must admit.

Это навязчивая мелодия? Или есть другой тайный смысл?
Не удалось понять в полном обьёме...

Анна Саянова   24.06.2012 19:36     Заявить о нарушении
Pesnja - eto obraz. Rech o navjazchivoi idee, vozvraschenie snova i snova k odnim i tem zhe misljam...

Элиза Микаилова   02.07.2012 03:26   Заявить о нарушении