К. Симонов Жди меня, и я вернусь EN LT

Посв. И. А.

Wait for me, I'll come again
If you deadly wait.
Wait with yellow  rains of strain
Meaning to regret.

Wait when 'ts raining cats and dogs,
Wait on snowfall.
When they leave for past their logs
Ceasing to recall.

When your mailbox in the street
'S missing and obscure.
When your other mates of wait
Lacking courage,sure.

Wait for me, I shall return,
Do not sympathize
Those predicting me in mourn
Soaring in the skies.

Let my family believe
That I'm not alive,
Let my friends themselves deceive
Shivering to strive.

When the company still chants
Alleluia song,
Please don't pray for me to saints,
Don't be quick to join.

Wait for me, I shall be back,
Should I ever die.
Love thy neghbour telling rack
Tell: “you ‘re lucky,guy”.

So incredible it was:
In war agony
The salvation came because
I knew you knew me.

Sorry, dear, for being late,
Thanks for my rebirth.
You just have a gift to wait
Like no one on earth.

Laukimo poeza

Lauk manes—kur tik blaskaus,
Grisiu, kur buni.
Lauk kai skuba is dangaus
Vandenys drungni.

Lauk atokaitoj is ryt,
Lauk ledynmety.
Kai kitoj sirdy karys
Liks uzuomarsty.

Kai is tolimu krastu
Neatsius laisku.
Kai neliks salia is tu,
Laukianciu kartu.

Lauk manes, grisiu atgal,
Netikek tik tais,
Kas numes :”Isejo gal,
Snaus su angelais”.

Tegu sunus ir mama
Nebelaukia jau,
Ir draugeliu daugumai
As seniai miriau.

Susiburs ratu aplink
Paminet mane.
Neminek,o prisimink,
Ir nesesk salia.

Lauk manes,sugrisiu vel,
Giltine apgaves.
Tepasidomi, kodel
As likimui savas.

Nesupranta jie, draugai,
Kaip kovos metu
Tu mane atgaivinai--
Laukiancioji tu.

Spejau, tie keliai gale
Pas tave atves.
Negalejai tu nebe-
Susilaukt manes.
