Перевод The Night Before - The Beatles

We said our goodbyes, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.

We said our goodbye, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.

When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before,
like the night before.
The Night Before

We said our goodbyes, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.

We said our goodbye, ah, the night before.
Love was in your eyes, ah, the night before.
Now today I find you have changed your mind.
Treat me like you did the night before.

When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before.

Last night is a night I will remember you by.
When I think of things we did it makes me wanna cry.

Were you telling lies, ah, the night before?
Was I so unwise, ah, the night before?
When I held you near you were so sincere.
Treat me like you did the night before,
like the night before.

Сорвалось "прощай", ах, у нас вчера.
Но любовь в глазах, ах, еще жива.
Нам не утаить, что пытались скрыть.
Стань такой, какой была вчера.

Где ты солгала, ах, еще вчера?
В чем я был не прав, ах, еще вчера?
Были мы близки, и не лгать могли.
Стань такой, какой была вчера.

Эта ночь для нас прощальной ночью была.
Вспомню только, что творим - и слез не удержать!

Сорвалось "прощай", ах, у нас вчера.
Но любовь в глазах, ах, еще жива.
Нам не утаить, что пытались скрыть.
Стань такой, какой была вчера.

Были мы близки, и не лгать могли.
Стань такой, какой была вчера.

Эта ночь для нас прощальной ночью была.
Вспомню лишь, что мы творим - и слез не удержать!

Где ты солгала, ах, еще вчера?
В чем я был не прав, ах, еще вчера?
Были мы близки, и не лгать могли.
Стань такой, какой была вчера,
Какой вчера была.

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В самом начале песни (на пятой-шестой секундах) слышатся несколько гитарных нот, скорее всего взятых по ошибке, но, тем не менее, звучащих довольно органично с основной темой.
При последнем повторении припева песни явственно слышится, как Маккартни в начале фразы Were you telling… на одной из дорожек (его голос записан дважды и сведён в одну партию) поёт We вместо Were — очевидно, он спутал эту строчку с другой строкой припева We said our goodbyes…
