Меня не любишь in English

You don’t love me. Does it matter?
I won’t ask you anything!
No look, no gesture, no any word whenever…
I am not yours, I’m not your thing!
In spite of everything.
We’ve had desires reckless
Remember me -
Through destinies – long, hard, betrayed!
To be desirable for you
I want it, Now I can!
I’m changeable, My life is you
For only you, Nobody else!
You don’t love me. Does it matter?
The fascination of my soul
I’ll give it, as a present
For you. My dear, not at all!!!
You won’t accept my gift, of course
And you will have a tired look,
No smile, no hug for me, I’m lost
No happiness, I understood.
You don’t love me. Does it matter?
I won’t cry, I will be strong!!!
You will receive my lovely letter?
With smile, your brown-eyed girl…
I will be laughing all the time!
“It is so easy look like that!”
For me it matters, I’m blind!
In love I often feel so sad…
You don’t love me. Does it matter?
One day you’ll see me, notice me!
This day you’ll understand forever –
They’re not the same, they’re not like me!
