Just a joke for a happy moment...
Young doctors made a holy movie.
For years they learn the medicine.
About ass. About bubies.
About legs and pure vaccine.
And every body really happy.
Anatomy they knew at least.
They know how make a baby.
Afraid to marry just a beast.
The girls are beatiful and sexy.
Adorable in every bar...,
You can them hug in every taxi,
You can them kiss in private car.
But , after wedding , she is your doctor.
And you are her patient and a slave.
In life its normal.Just a faktor...
You fall in love - you fall in grave...
O! Wait for a moment , my young reader.
This just a joke. And funny stuff...
Your wife , your kids a lovely breader ,
The happiest moment in your life.
Alexander Mezhbero 6.1.12.
Свидетельство о публикации №112060107313
May I correct some phrases : "...she's your doctor,"
"And you're her patient and slave."
I am not sure faktor or factor - it depends..
I myself also struggling with the same problems
and would appreciate any corrections.
Best wishes.
Григорий Вольф 30.07.2012 03:30 Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо , Григорий. Знаю , и русский мой
не совсем правильный , и английский далеко
не совершеный....
И что же , прикажете замолчать?
Молчать не могу !
Александер Межберо 04.08.2012 04:38 Заявить о нарушении
So happy to see you again.
Jour joke , look like a statement.
In my expirience never happen
a pain in my ass afterwords...
But now J am in such pain from
shingels ( по русски , по моему
поясной лишай)
J wish you never to now this
shit... God forbid...
My doctor , describe me a medicine ,
but it take time to cure...
My grandson , who is now a doctor,
in rezidential hospital also trying to
helpi me.
But it is a week already J cannot sleep.
And my wife around me became very tired.
Now back to you.
How you doing?
Your family?
Sorry for my english.
Александер Межберо 14.08.2012 18:50 Заявить о нарушении
Пётр Дубинин 14.08.2012 19:10 Заявить о нарушении
Пётр Дубинин 14.08.2012 19:17 Заявить о нарушении