Love impregnates the air

Love impregnates the air 
I am dissolving in love
Shine my mighty spirit
Enlighten my soul's path!

Illumine the iridescent light
Of the Galactic Central Sun,
The burning poet's desire
To light the human hearts 
With the Eternal Wanderer's love!

Glowing with the fire of oneness 
The souls will merge together 
Malice and revenge will disperse
People will speak pure love!

The illusion of anxious fear,
The grief of terrible war
Dissapearing into the ocean 
Washing away humanity's pain
Love will revive from its ashes!

To recreate from the wreckage
The bright new era of wisdom
From the evil drug's addiction
The children will no longer suffer!

Our happy beautiful Planet
Once again returned to the light!
Mother Earth Terra Gaia 
Warm up our souls with love!

People please love one another
And you will be Free from disease!
