Party for me

I got lost in a war
a child-like affair
A guest to a party
that shouldn't have cared

They fed me with bullets
They dined me on mines
Then finished the party
with red wine

Say, what god do you pray to
when your soul's on a prowl
Can he fly like an eagle
Does he look like an owl

Is his name in the praying-book
Is his home in the sky
Has he ears to hear
eyes to cry

Well they gave me no wings
but I rose in the air
I looked back to the surgeon's slab
I saw my body lying there

I saw families scattered
homes plundered and burned
and I prayed to the Lord, Please
have me returned

They say life's a party
the DJ's gone
the number requested
is never on

And we flow in tranquility
some slow some fast
The buzz of a butterfly
skimming past

2008, 2012.
