Terra Gaia-Sophia s lаw

I am Gaia-Sophia your Mother Earth
I appear to all my children
Providing you with your unconditional love
Please awaken all those who ask,
This is our task at this time
Upon our vibrant planet Earth
For, You are the sleeping gods
You are the children of unconditional love!
Give only respect and love to each other
And the healing will flow as an eternal river
Protecting one heart to the other
Cleansing all those who swim within
Only our conscience can spell the truth!
We can only grow in compassion
Until understanding submerges us
With the essence of all life
Love is the only law
In this harmonious Universe
For all who want to thrive
On our blue planet Earth!
What doesn't belong to unconditional love,
Will evaporate in the Sun's brilliant light
To the Moon's hypnotic glow...
