Калики - перевод С. Есенина
And drunk a kvass* under windows,
And prayed at the old church's gates
To the Holy Saviour image.
The wanderers took path through fields and meadows,
Singing about the sweetest Christ a poem,
And by were stamping the old horses,
And the geese to their song echoed.
Hobbled the poor pilgrims through a herd,
Said loudly their speeches virtuous:
"We all serve to the God, and burden that
We hold proudly on our shoulders".
Then they took out of the begs
The bread crumbs, worth for feed for cows.
The girls-herdesses laughed at them:
"Look-n-dance! Here are the buffons!"
* kalik - is a pilgrim, a beggar, seeling in his wandering the holy spirit,
kvass - is the russian drink, produced mostly from rye or bread)
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