For Darya Sun
Let your light stream from sky to the Earth
In your gold-sparkling eyes lives no danger
That is why I'm cured, I'm lost
For your skin, white as snow I'm dying
For the eyelashes nice as bird's wings
When I see you I'm constantly trying
To tell more than some usual things
But alas I'm still gloomy and silent
Though the spring had awaken my wits
Day to day I live up to my lent
makin' up all this life bits by bits
Please once show me the wonder of your eyes
Wash my soul with warmth of your smile
You're so gentle, so cuddly, and so wise
Splash your beams, splash on me for a while
If you hear my voice wink and answer
Would you like to have dinner with me?
Just put "yes" and I'll be midnight dancer
Or give "no" and I'd say, let it be
Свидетельство о публикации №112051309588
Отсылка к Beatles и Arabesque в конце подняло настроение)
С теплом души, Юрий Ли.
Лисаковский Юрий 23.05.2017 18:02 Заявить о нарушении
Михаил Ефимкин 13.02.2018 02:59 Заявить о нарушении