Be Yourself

Today, in the morning, a very beautiful cat with a long fussy tail came to my place. He smiled to me and winked with his big green eye. I was scared, though not very much because it is not an easy matter to scare me to death. I am rather brave, to tell you the truth.
The cat smiled again and jumped upon on my lap. I felt somehow that he liked me? and I liked him too/ It was impossible not to like him, because he was so warm, and his fur was so soft and tender. He looked in my eyes and asked: "How are you?"
"Fine, sir, thanks a lot," I answered,
"I am glad," the Cat replied. "But, to be honest, I don't believe you."
"Why?" I demanded.
"Because of your sad eyes. I see that your heart is full of pain."
"But now I'm hapy, don't you see?'
"Yes, now you are, as always...You are too strong to show how much you suffer, and you don't want to admit it even to yourself."
I kept silent. I simply didn't know what tosay. You can understand me, talking with cats is not a frequent thing to happen. Even to persons like me. But all the same, I asked: 'And why do you yhink I suffer?"
"Because you, people, are dependant," the Cat smiled.
" Well, dependant on what?" I interested.
"On everything. You always have to do what you don't want to do. You always have to behave in a way yuo don't want to behave, because it is very important for you what other people will say or think about you. They are not interested in what you are actually are. People like to deceive each other, and they like to be deceived too. You understand it, and you feel unhappy about it,but you can do nothing. And that is what ails you. Am I right?"
"Yes, you are" I agreed. " But what wouil you advise me to do?"
"Your pain can't be cured, but it can be reliefed", the Cat said and gave that calm and friendly smile of his."Just relax and be yourself! You have a noble heart, and it will always protect you. Your honesty will be honoured sooner or later. You will be happy, my friend. And very soon you will be able to give hasppiness to the others.So, good by."
And he licked me in chick, then opened the window and flew away out of it.
